  1. You must read the article before you can comment on it.
    • DellwoodBarker3 years ago
      • insert inevitable Coneheads joke* 😜

      Love reads that Tilt Us. This quickie does.

    • Florian3 years ago

      The cone metaphor is mind blowing.

      So in between the past and the future, there isn’t just a single line—there’s a huge amount of time.


    • Raven3 years ago

      This article has given me pause and reflection time to reconnect with my notions of the present moment in new perspectives. I’m staring it and will re-Readup it again and see newness that was unseen before. Great timing for this one.

    • TranquilHaze3 years ago

      “In spacetime, the past is whatever is inside our past light-cone,” Rovelli said, gesturing with his hands the shape of an upside down cone. “So it’s whatever can affect us. The future is this opposite thing,” he went on, now gesturing an upright cone. “So in between the past and the future, there isn’t just a single line—there’s a huge amount of time.”