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    • kellyalysia
      2 years ago

      "Preference for Latinx as a pan-ethnic term is higher among those who are aware of it – 10% in this group say they prefer Latinx." This seems...low....

      • SEnkey2 years ago

        This reminds me of my grandfather who immigrated from Norway in the 1920's. People would say he was a WASP and he would say no, he's Norwegian. They'd say he was Scandinavian and he would correct them also. What did he have to do with the Swedes?!

        Interesting side note: His mother was Swedish. His father fell in love with her knowing she was Swedish. When she went to meet his family the big giveaway was that she took sugar in her coffee, the Norwegians of the time apparently all drank it black. My poor great grandmother learned to drink it black - until they came to the US that is.

        • kellyalysia
          2 years ago

          Love this story. thank you for sharing!

          I think often in the "effort" to make sure "everyone" is not offended, we power-wash what makes each and every person unique. I have often felt that some of the now politically correct terminology like "POC" actually de-humanize the individuals described in this way. One moment they were someone whose dad was Nigerian and whose mother was Haitian and just imagine all of the various foods and customs and experiences that would have imparted...but we just sweep it under the term POC and then we lose the story, the contours. I see Latinx similarly. It feels like a label, and I want to hear the story.

    • SEnkey2 years ago

      Having lived a considerable part of my adult life in Latin America I can tell you that latinx is not popular. It really does come off as cultural colonialism - but so do hispanic and latino. Ask a Paraguayan if he prefers latino or Paraguayo and he definitely prefers the later. Same with Mexicans, Guatemalans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, etc.

      It reminds me of grief I used to catch all the time. The first few years I was learning spanish I would take a short cut to saying "ciudadano estadounidense" (US Citizen) because it was tricky for me. I would say "americano". The response was always - "me too". Of course, all South Americans and North Americans are also 'Americans'.