  1. MediumKelly Barrett12/9/1911 min
    3 reads3 comments
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    • kellyalysia
      4 years agoWriter

      I am biased but....there is some good stuff! Also, really want more people doing this practice! ‾_(ツ)_/‾

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Rock and roll. Loved every perfect word!

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      Extremely practical.

      I take sleep very, very seriously. To me, it’s even more important than eating well and exercising. In fact, one way I’ve been thinking about it: eating well and exercising serve my sleep. Everything serves sleep: anxiety reduction, keeping my overall affairs in order. Excellent sleep is it’s own reward. And, of course, the benefits double- (and triple-) back.

      I haven’t had an alarm clock in years. 90% of the time I’m down and up with the sun.

      As an entrepreneur, I have a really hard time “turning off” thoughts about my company. My strategies to “release” are (in order): reading books, journal writing, walking, and socializing.

      Yoga Nidra is a highly approachable form of meditation, even for beginners. I’ve done it over a hundred times. I still almost always fall asleep. But when I don’t, WOW, it’s like levitation.