  1. Ness Labs4/8/2016 min
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    Ness Labs
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    • bartadamley
      3 years ago

      We’ve always wanted to build a layer on top of the web where every person can have their mental model of how the whole world works, and they can start to share ideas across everything.

      This is an interview with the founder of Roam Research, a fascinating note-taking tool that enables you to create knowledge graphs, backlinks... and essentially lets no good thought go unwasted.

      "Good ideas come from when ideas have sex: the intersection of different things that you’ve been reading or different things you’ve been seeing. So you can have better ideas faster if you are actually reviewing the old things and you are building up. You’re not throwing away work."

      This idea of cross-pollinating ones ideas and then using this service to essentially conduct ones intellectual life and build out ideas that you find yourself continually returning back to... is crazy! And I am all in!