  1. nautil.us3/31/2111 min
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago

      Nooo!! No no no no NO! This is ALL totally wrong 😂

      I enjoyed reading this, but I really do disagree (deeply, emotionally) with pretty much every word that Arthur I Miller says.

      It’s true that robots and humans are starting to look more and more like one another, but that doesn’t mean we’re turning into each other. Humans are animated by the human spirit (aka ‘Holy’ Spirit, aka magic, mystery) and robots are animated by humans.

      Robots rule. They’re going keep getting more and more power over us, both in ways that we see, understand and allow and in ways that are invisible, subtle, and completely unknown to us. I don’t doubt that the future is a robo-future, but humans will always be human and robots will always be robot.

      • jeff3 years ago

        By the end of the article I was convinced that Arthur I. Miller was actually some else's AI-powered chatbot art project designed to spew random, synthesized nonsense about AI.

        • bill
          Top reader of all time
          3 years ago

          craziest thing is that something or someone is paying Miller to say these things.

    • Ruchita_Ganurkar3 years ago

      Better to realize that, a human can understand a human accurately than a machine. Then I come across a biological machine.

      We’re like machines; machines are like us. We are basically biological machines.

      It means we’re made up of atoms and molecules. They obey the laws of nature and evolved to produce us. They are the power behind our engines. We’re just big chemical reactions. Each part of a machine is made by means of the good old laws of Newtonian physics, which were deterministic. But when you put this conglomeration together, it’s capable of unpredictable or chaotic behavior. Unpredictability is one of the hallmarks of creativity. So right from the word go, machines can be creative. Since we are machines, we can just go out of existence like a machine. We can have consciousness, but when the electrons stop flowing, consciousness disappears and that’s it. But that doesn’t take away from our creativity. We can still be creative in an inspiring way. We can have hopes, dreams, and aspirations for humankind. But we are machines, just like computers are machines.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        3 years ago

        Super interesting comment.

        Unpredictability is one of the hallmarks of creativity. So right from the word go, machines can be creative.

        Interesting point. But it’s possible to make the exact opposite case: Unpredictability and chaos yield creativity. So right from the word go, machines can’t be creative. They can only, ultimately, follow commands.