  1. National Review6/17/205 min
    9 reads3 comments
    National Review
    9 reads
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    • Raven3 years ago

      This’ll provoke thoughts if you let it. Let’s have a serious look at classism. That’s the real issue that is driving inequality, there’s only so much room at the top. Hierarchy has always been the target of the masses, it’s a failed paradigm that only serves the elite. Every nation has it’s own elite ruling class no matter how poorly the country is doing in the world’s hierarchy. How can the poorest nations of the world have the same problems of inequality as the richest? Could this be possible if classism was eliminated?

    • Florian3 years ago

      Some good thought provoking going on here

      There is no hatred in this world quite like the hatred of a $100,000-a-year man for a $200,000-a-year man, except maybe the hatred of a $200,000-a-year man for a $200,002-a-year man

    • SEnkey3 years ago

      I don't agree with some of the set up, but I do think he has a point that there is a lot of 5 percenters going after 1 percenters. Opportunist abound.