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    Mailchimp Newsletter
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    • DellwoodBarker2 years ago

      Experiencing a ridiculous onslaught of sensitivity lately: these new Co-vid waves (which I myself don’t fear but the fear of others fearing my perspective of non-fear gets me fearful); fear of surveillance state and manipulative social media folks; fear of never hearing from individuals you assume to be friends ever again; fears related to outrageous housing costs. Thankfully, have found an incredible yoga studio recently which is allowing to get back into discipline practice. It is ridiculous how only in a matter of six months my layers of body (physical, esoteric, paranervous feel so out of whack from simple lack of routine)…body has been going through a plethora of changes due to sensitivity (most recently piñon and sage oil is aiding with extreme skin dryness and itchiness). The yoga studio and instructors are an OASIS. Going to contact Helen about the plant ceremony.

      Once you get to the point where you LOVE your sensitivity, I mean really LOVE it, then your superpowers really start to emerge. It’s very exciting!

      As a sensitive being, you are here on this earth, at this time, because you have a very unique gift/s ie: to be a psychic, to do animal communication, become a healer, a visionary, a singer sharing unique tones, a writer sharing enlightened messages, doing mediumship, channeling divine messages, to name a few.