  1. Longreads3/2/2125 min
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    • thhwang3 years ago


    • thhwang3 years ago

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago

      Thought-provoking. Beautifully written. Oh so real.

      Gets me out of my own head this morning.

      • Darko3 years ago

        Got me out of my own head as well, which is much appreciated!

      • jeff3 years ago

        Well said!

    • Critter3 years ago

      Powerful, thanks for the post.

    • Ruchita_Ganurkar3 years ago

      Pure feelings & emotions of parents who are having a disabled child we, the normal people can't explain. Only the mother & father of a child can struggle for their child with society. More than that, regret is another emotion that invisibly occurs. I can feel the author's emotions & efforts to be Happy Out There.

      Really, out there is not designed for many. With no idea, how many questions they answer throughout a day they find ending their life will be the better option.

      Very embarrassing & awkward question when people don't admire a child's cuteness but instead ask their parent, What’s Wrong? This is why Out Here spaces are not so delightful.

      There's a lot to explain & express but leaving the comment here..

      Our culture judges the worth of our kids by judging our contentment.

      Parents may, with good reason, regret that a disabled child was ever born.

      How would anyone determine a life “not worth living”? And who gets to decide such a thing?

      Last But Not The Least, Life Is Very Beautiful, Change The Perception Only!!