  1. London Review of BooksLauren Oyler1/13/2027 min
    6 reads9 comments
    London Review of Books
    6 reads
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    • jeff
      4 years ago

      This is the smartest god damned thing I've ever read. Hilariously it's also more martyr fuel and attention for Jia. She wins no matter what.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        How about that part where Oyler burns Tolentino for her frivolous, completely interchangeable use of "internet" and "social media"?! That is such an epic 3rd-degree burn for a technology journalist of Tolentino's stature, and what makes it so fierce is that it's so true.

        Flip side: Who the fuck cares? Don't read Jia if you're not looking for someone who chooses words for the way they sound (or, dare I say, the way they appear) versus the real definition.

        What's Jia doing? And what is she making? News or art? A better life for herself or a better world for everyone? The former, it would seem. But most us aren't Gandhi, and, in fact, very few of us even try.

        The moral of the story is this: Tolentino needs to sharpen the point, pronto. In the race* to become the next Joan Didion, she's losing ground to Anna Wiener. And, now, Dayna Tortorici is in the game too.

        *It's not a race. Everyone has plenty of time.

        • jeff
          4 years ago

          Jia's definitely not a technology journalist. I had the same thought as Oyler when Abadesi brought up Jia during our interview, but I felt like it would be pretty hypocritical for me to comment on her book without having read it! One thing I feel like I know for certain though is that she doesn't really know what the internet is.

          • bill
            Top reader of all time
            4 years ago

            Right on. (But, also, does anybody really know what the internet is? Remember when it was a series of tubes? That was the best.)

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago


    • SEnkey4 years ago

      Well worth the read. The humble-brag has become so common today.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Yep. I'm stoked that you liked this. I enjoyed imagining that basically every single person on the staff of The New Yorker read this and thought, thank you. I think that many of us who have been reading Tolentino for a while for waiting for this.

        Jia isn't the only one who lives split lives. We all do. But she's doing it in a very specific way that she critiques, profoundly well, in her writing, though always with a brilliantly written, sometimes-honest mea culpa. It's exceptionally brave. But it's also exceptionally weak. Everything is nothing and nothing is everything. It's all crazy-making. "Hysterical" really is the word! All eyes on Lauren Oyler!

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      Three cheers. Finally, the Jia Tolentino critique I’ve been waiting for!

      Several of the articles mentioned here have appeared on Readup.

      • SEnkey4 years ago

        I went back and read a few of her articles. Yes, I think the review is well deserved.