  1. London Review of BooksEliot Weinberger6/4/2030 min
    8 reads4 comments
    London Review of Books
    8 reads
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    • Alexa3 years ago

      Wow, this one hits hard. The way it's laid out makes for a really impactful read, and it doesn't tickle.

      As I read it occurred to me that this felt like satire, my brain had a hard time digesting that this is the reality of the US today. uf. Dystopian indeed.

    • monstertuck3 years ago

      As my blood simmers under my skin, it's just crazy that Trump's truths are so askew. I actually really appreciated the Tweet clearly shows a guy trying to deflect the 100,000+ lives lost, the racial tensions gripping the country and the economy falling out from underneath us. Vote people...I don't know if we'd survive another 4 years of this leadership vacuum.

    • Plum
      Reading streakScribe
      3 years ago

      This is just tragic, frightening and sad. He is so clearly unable to govern and is taking all of us over the cliff. He must be forced to resign.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago

      Visions of dystopia abound.