  1. In Bed With Tech Marie Dollé5/24/208 min
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    In Bed With Tech
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    • thorgalle
      Top reader this weekReading streakScribe
      3 years ago

      Interesting perspectives, Marie. Good to see many new initiatives to tighten connections on the social internet (including Readup!).

      I like the concept of digital gardens, and yes, tools like Notion make it more accessible to create them. It was harder with older blogging platforms, or without web development knowledge.

      It reminds me of Nikita Voloboev, who is posting "everything he knows" online, using git, GitBooks and GitHub. It's fascinating to literally see him add items every waking hour. Another intriguing one is the wiki of Devine Lu Linvega (but the website styles seems to be broken now).

      I'm sceptical about the co-browsing. Do sales agents really take control over your computer? Or just that website? Do they wait until you put items in your shopping basket? Sounds weird to me, but it might help some.

      • mariedolle3 years ago

        I am checking out Nikita Voloboev... Amazing ! I like the live-concept for writers and thinkers. Like here: I would actually pay to watch some of the best twittos i follow write à google doc : the flow, the ideas, how they delet and come back. Regarding the co-browsing the solution is called Surfly. You can check out their website. it's actually pretty neat and honestly the experience was pretty good. I've seen a lot of chrome extensions arise around the "togerthess" concept that @thisisneer develops : Fraidycat, chat community etc?