  1. Harvard Business Review12/17/2023 min
    4 reads3 comments
    Harvard Business Review
    4 reads
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    • Jessica3 years ago

      This is an informative and thought-provoking article. I'm thinking more about the crossroads of the passion economy, the gig economy, and traditional employment, and how conventional notions of "work" will evolve over the years.

    • Florian3 years ago

      This is an incredibly well researched and interesting article. The whole creator economy as an industry is going to be massive with all the kids growing up thinking being a youtuber, tiktoker, etc is a normal career.

    • bartadamley
      3 years ago

      Li Jin is THE person to follow with regards to thoughts on all things related to the "passion economy".

      The passion economy is rooted in and celebrates the notion of creator leverage: Because creators emphasize their individuality and offer unique services/products that are non-fungible, creators wield much more power over platforms than gig workers who are entirely replaceable.

      We are at this really interesting point in time, where there is so much talk about the often over-hyped Gig Economy, and the area of opportunity we should really be shifting our eyes towards is The Creator Economy.

      Peering into the future, create something that is entirely authentic (i.e, you). Rather than getting trapped within the Gig Economy where you are easily replaced.

      Cannot recommend this read enough!