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    • deephdave
      Top reader of all timeScout
      3 years ago

      This strategy of cooperation, drawing on the respective skills of human and machine rather than pitting one against the other, may be our only hope for surviving life among machines whose thought processes are unknowable to us. Nonhuman intelligence is a reality—it is rapidly outstripping human performance in many disciplines, and the results stand to be catastrophically destructive to our working lives. These technologies are becoming ubiquitous in everyday devices, and we do not have the option of retreating from or renouncing them. We cannot opt out of contemporary technology any more than we can reject our neighbors in society; we are all entangled. To move forward, we need an ethics of transparency and cooperation. And perhaps we’ll learn from such interactions how to live better with these other entities—human and nonhuman—that we share the planet with.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        2 years ago

        Nine months later, still great. ;) Thanks for scouting @deephdave!

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      2 years ago

      Fantastic. There's a lot to noodle on here. Overall I loved this, but I do have two nitpicks.

      Nitpick #1: I don't believe that "nonhuman intelligence is a reality." Intelligence includes empathy, emotion, intuition, primal instinct, etc. I realize that it's a mouthful, but I think we need to be careful not to lose the word "artificial" when we're referring to something that isn't actually intelligent.

      Nitpick #2: I wish the author cut three words - "retreating from or" - from this passage:

      These technologies are becoming ubiquitous in everyday devices, and we do not have the option of retreating from or renouncing them.

      Because we totally can (and often should!) retreat from such technology, even if we can't completely renounce it. Go for a walk. Look at a tree. Doing so is, literally, a re-treat.