  1. fs.blog11/12/1920 min
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    • jeff
      4 years ago

      I love the thought of a natural, universal bullshit filter in the form of the effort required to broadcast trustworthy signals. Talk is cheap, and I feel like there are some underlying parallels between this concept and the inspiration behind Readup.

      It's difficult to communicate in a software product, but the fundamentals are strikingly similar: You shouldn't be able to broadcast your opinion on an article without putting in the effort required to read it and the greater the effort, the louder the signal should be broadcast.

    • joanne4 years ago

      Well put. Our signaling is so wrapped up in societal expectations, advertising, lifestyles and egos, the author did a good job of teasing it apart. My SO just walked out with his plastic bottle of Smart Water and we had our usual banter about being environmentalists. My concern is that he’s sending a signal that he doesn’t believe in science and climate even though advertisers are hoping that Smart might be a signal people want to hold on to even if it is on a single use plastic bottle.

    • Plum4 years ago

      Interesting. I am working on how to help my town reduce greenhouse gas emissions-people will need to change behaviors. I think this article has some clues as to how to signal and support new behaviors. Would have liked some real life applications.

    • Jim4 years ago

      Sometimes we don't intend to signal and we are accused of doing so...... I drive a crappy car because I rarely drive and don't really use or need any of the bells and whistles that the new cars have..... I am regularly asked if I am trying to make a point because I drive a vehicle that people believe to be well below my means. HA, that is so annoying, but I am somewhat self-aware that I look ruddier than I actually feel I am. I feel pressured to drive a new more suitable car at times so I do not send out the wrong signal...... What have we humans become? BTW I have no plans to buy the Range Rover my kids insist I drive.

    • Jessica4 years ago

      “It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.” ― Leo Tolstoy, The Kreutzer Sonata

      ^ an honest, layered statement about perception/deception