  1. ELLE4/7/2127 min
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 months ago


    • Ruchita_Ganurkar3 years ago

      Perfect, bravery, motivational story. She gave a birth to death but her statement * but giving birth to death is an event that imprints you forever with the knowledge that bad things can and do happen to you.* can strike lot of emotions & multiple thoughts into your mind..

      After a woman births a child that child’s cells continue to live in the mother’s body for years, sometimes decades.

      • Karenz
        2 years ago

        Incredibly powerful.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      2 years ago

      Wow, this hits home, very personal for me. I had a stillborn my second trimester. At the time I was managing a health club and in the best shape of my life. This doesn’t happen to people who take really good care of themselves. I was confused, shocked and heartbroken. The doctor said there was no known cause, that it typically happens with a first pregnancy. That seemed like an insane statement until all the brave women in my life started telling me their own stories of miscarriage. Why was this such a hidden statistic? Like there was shame attached to it. I was comforted by their stories, so much so that 3 months later I got pregnant again. And each woman who decides that is brave because you risk the pain and loss all over again. But like this author, it’s so worth it when you have a successful pregnancy. And I had 2, which I am forever grateful for. Mysteries and miracles.

    • DellwoodBarker2 years ago

      I had a tangible increase in hypnagogia, that mental phenomenon of “threshold consciousness,” between sleeping and waking, when you see and hear things that can’t be described when returned to consciousness. It’s been described as “sleep time visitations,” and derived from Greek hypnos meaning sleep, and agogeus, being guide. My sleeptime visitations are always very familiar, and simultaneously frightening. I can only describe them as buzzes, bold words, warmth, a vague fleeciness. The moment I try to hold onto them they scuttle away. I started to wonder, if maybe death is something like an intelligible version of these shapes. Maybe, when the time comes, they will fall into focus, and guide my spirit from my body.

    • jeff
      3 years ago

      Wow, powerful read! Excellent writing about a painful and tragic journey. Couldn't put this down once I started.