  1. Dreamtime Healings4/28/212 min
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    Dreamtime Healings
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    • Florian2 years ago

      Drink a magic potion for inner peace – see and FEEL your whole nervous system in 1st gear and the scenario that feels 100% peaceful.

      Exactly what I need

    • DellwoodBarker2 years ago

      What color is the magic potion: pink, gold, blue, rainbow? There is no right or wrong.

      What is the magic potion helping you manifest?

      ~ Drink a magic potion for excellent health – see and FEEL yourself as the vibrant being that you are.

      ~ Drink a magic potion for prosperity – see and FEEL yourself in the prosperous version of you

      ~ Drink a magic potion for joy – see and FEEL yourself with a grin from ear to ear, cartoon hearts popping out of your heart, dancing, being playful!

      ~ Drink a magic potion for inner peace – see and FEEL your whole nervous system in 1st gear and the scenario that feels 100% peaceful.

      ~ Drink a magic potion for clarity – see and FEEL with bright idea bubble over your head and peace signs emanating from your heart.

      Each time you drink a magic potion, imagine yourself with end results of what you are desiring.

      By Helen Knight