  1. David Perell4 min
    13 reads2 comments
    David Perell
    13 reads
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    • Jessica2 years ago

      I am reminded of a powerful line in Frank Herbert's Dune: "The mind goes on working no matter how hard we try to hold it back."

      That must be part of the foundation that builds the functionality of the never-ending now. The brain will continue to digest and process information regardless whether or not we are aware of what we consume, and continue to crave more easily-accessible, scarcity-driven (e.g. this-story-will-disappear-in-24-hours) content.

    • bartadamley
      2 years ago

      Don’t get caught up in the perpetual tide of the never ending now. Take the time to focus on a wider picture of our world. Learn History.

      This article serves as a great reminder for why.