  1. Conscious TransitionsSheryl Paul7/18/216 min
    6 reads3 comments
    Conscious Transitions
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      2 years ago

      Women are SO different from men. It’s bonkers. I enjoyed this peek into some seriously feminine energies 🌸

      Men are inherently limited when it comes to healing (wounds) and creation (birth). Women have limitations too. And apparently everybody has daddy issues and mommy issues.

      I’m glad to be a man so I can ignore huge problems (wounds) with an aloofness that looks like grace. Makes life easier sometimes honestly.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      2 years ago

      I very much ascribe to this kind of energetic healing practice. It’s very important to challenge the messages we learned while young, definitely from our parents but also from other authority figures, our religion, our culture. If we are not aware, these messages are running our lives, not our true, authentic selves.

    • kellyalysia2 years ago

      In Latin the word for mother is mater. Mother and matter share a root, which is why a mother wound often results in wounds around body image, how we nurture or struggle to nurture ourselves with food, and our physical health.

      Love this