  1. Columbia Journalism Review27 min
    7 reads5 comments
    Columbia Journalism Review
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    • normanbae3 years ago

      Sounds like more of the same to me.

    • Raven3 years ago

      Nice to know the background of Substack, I’ve read a few articles here on Readup that originated from that platform/media company. Won’t it be amazing when they are also receiving income from readers like us.

      • jeff3 years ago

        Yes it will! I'm thinking and hoping that we'll have better luck elevating less popular writers since all you'll have to do to support them is read their articles rather than subscribe to them directly which, as pointed out in this article, overwhelmingly benefits those who are already established.

    • jeff3 years ago

      Interesting backstory and look at who's currently thriving on the platform. It doesn't strike me as much of a surprise that the most popular/successful writers are people who already had huge followings elsewhere given that Substack is just providing a SaaS solution for a business model that was already proven to be successful for people like Ben Thompson.

    • Alexa3 years ago

      Interesting! I've never used substack as a writer but do subscribe to a handful, even a paid one or two.

      I've always found the concept of paid newsletter seductive, and this is an interesting look at the growing pains we can expect from the platform as they grapple with the question...are they really a platform, or are they a media company?

      and with that question...what does that mean for content rules etc etc. Fassssscinating, if you're into media trends at least