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    • DellwoodBarker3 years ago

      I just viewed a Wonderful brand new 4 minute interview with Claudia speaking Intricately and Eloquently about this project over on Meow Wolf’s YT channel (worth a view) which inspired this hunt and post of a ReadUp-Able article.

      As a former employee who at the time Adored So Much of the Value of the Work Environment and Philosophy behind MW yet felt Incredibly Overwhelmed and Overstimulated within the walls of the first Installation:

      (Growing Awareness of Technology and Conversations with More Sensitive Beings and yes, even ReadUp have helped me Discover Value in why I likely felt Overwhelmed and Overstimulated there in Hindsight; along with acknowledged Personal and Inner Work I yet Needed to Create More Peace and In-The-Moment Presence With)

      Knowing that MW is Integrating More Slow, Healing, Therapeutic Installations such as this One Really Makes my Heart Smile.

      I Imagine this Artistic Path Being Forged Between the sibling Buenos’ and more Artists with Therapeutic Spaces as the Core of a True~True Prosperous Path for MW in more Abundant Ways than simply $ signs and Commercial Success.