  1. City Journal4/17/2019 min
    13 reads4 comments
    City Journal
    13 reads
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    • sjwoo3 years ago

      Quite the primer on Thiel. I'm still not sure whether this guy is good or bad for the world. I'm reminded of the Seinfeld episode where the gang talks about Woody Woodpecker -- "What is he, an instigator?" "That's right, he's a troublemaker."

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago

      Deeply inspiring.

      The creation of a remarkable, cutting-edge company, for Thiel and Masters, shouldn’t just be about amassing personal wealth for its founders. It should also be about remaking the world—transforming personal potential into a technological reimagining of human life.

    • deephdave
      Top reader of all timeScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      The guy is really—if you look at his actions, his beliefs, they’re just so insane. But he’s extremely intentional about everything he ever does. Most [people] don’t understand. Which does him a good service—because he’s always running conspiracies to change the world. And the best thing you can get for someone running conspiracies is for people not to understand what he’s doing.”