  1. BuzzFeed NewsRyan Mac7/23/2024 min
    10 reads1 comment
    BuzzFeed News
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago

      This stuff makes my head spin. I just left a long comment on another anti-Facebook article.

      Basically: I couldn’t care less about how Facebook moderates itself. And I think it’s embarrassing that the employees there get so hot and bothered about individual posts, although I guess it makes them feel better about themselves and the work they do. I’m more disappointed in the journalists who are missing the real story.

      We need more complexity and nuance in these discussions. Facebook is harmful in a very specific way that almost nobody is talking about.

      1. Update (7/28/2020):

        Just re-read this comment. Parts of it sound angrier than I actually feel.

        To clarify: the FB employees I'm referring to are the ones in the article who are concerned about hate in individual posts. This peeves me. (For example, the one with the triangle that is probably some kind of underground hate symbol.) Facebook employees should be more worried about how Facebook itself is amplifying precisely this kind of nightmare content - by design, at scale.

        The left and right are both in a death spiral of deepening hatred and social media itself is fanning the flames.

        I guess my main thing is: It's not the posts. It's the platforms. We need to treat the disease, not the symptoms.