  1. bookbear expressAva1/13/2124 min
    17 reads4 comments
    bookbear express
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    • vunderkind3 years ago

      got diagnosed with adhd last year, even though i've always known there was something there - though, not quite what to call it.

      i, too, am concerned by the memeification.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      Interesting. I have also wondered why so many people have ADHD. The one area that I think could also be investigated is how this syndrome affects the partner of someone with this disorder. I could foresee major complications.

      • Karenz
        3 years ago

        That quote about actively loving resulting in no attention deficit and no disorder makes NO sense and Is a shame to have at the end of such a fine article. I’ve been living with and loving a husband with attention deficit for 52 years. It’s a total challenge for both of us and not at all easy to navigate. This article describes my husband to a T and I agree that more focus needs to be on how a hypersensitive child develops it from possible trauma or other environmental factors. There’s definitely a difference in brain function but I’m convinced it’s not all biological. Very superb article—except for that “actively loving”quote!!!

    • DellwoodBarker3 years ago

      Fascinating read. Appreciative the Info Dive.

      “If we can actively love, there will be no attention deficit and no disorder.”

      Very Ram Dass way to end the Scattered Minds book. There is True-True in that. I understand the writer’s confusion as to the quote.

      Personally speaking, I Imagine the Core of All of this is Incremental, Slow lifestyle changes and/or sacrifices that will over time (not fast nor quick fix) improve symptoms.

      I can Honestly write here that I Am dealing with some issues in this article. Simplifying my environment and completely cutting my plug with FB/Insta/dating-sex apps/porn is aiding my mental Focus a ton. I still have a ways to go yet articles like these and others posted recently Are Excellent Motivating Informational Gifts.

      I Whole-Heartedly Imagine ReadUp is playing a significant boost factor in aiding this newly structured journey as well. Also getting outside and connecting with my Community in ways I can. Volunteering at our local co-op and local food donation box outlet are lifesavers right now to keep me out and about in the current state of living.