  1. blog.readup.comBill Loundy3/1/202 min
    17 reads13 comments
    17 reads
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    • jeff
      4 years ago

      I can't wait to finally be able to support all the other browsers. And Android soon after!

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years agoWriter

        This comment means you’re testing the Twitterbotz0rs doesn’t it?!?!?

        • jeff
          4 years ago

          Yes! Did you get it?! The bot found you and I see "1 tweet" for @ReaderRemarks but don't see it on the profile. Are tweets that start with @{user} treated differently?

          • bill
            Top reader of all time
            4 years agoWriter

            Oh we are rockin' and rollin'

      • joshw4 years ago

        my dad is waiting anxiously for the Android version!

    • jbuchana4 years ago

      I like the sound of this. I use Firefox as well as Chrome, so it'll be nice to have Readup available there too. What I really want though is an Android version, I do a lot of reading on my phone when I'm away from home and having readup there would be great!

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years agoWriter

        Ahhh okkk lolol everyone wants Android - we get it!!

        We're seriously gonna do it pronto. Jeff and I have been talking about it non-stop for the last few days. It's on the verbal roadmap (garbage language!) meaning, like, I really do think we'll get to it in a matter of weeks versus a matter of months (more garbage!) I know that's vague, but it's the best I got rn ;)

        Note to all: Keep the feedback about anything/everything flowing!

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years agoWriter

      Ahoy readers! Big changes coming. Speak now(ish) or forever (not really) hold your peace. ✌️

      • SEnkey4 years ago

        Not directly related but....will there be an app for android phones? I read a ton of articles on my pixel but I'm not sure how to share them here. I may just be missing an obvious answer here...

        • bill
          Top reader of all time
          4 years agoWriter

          Yep! Android app coming soon! I actually have several Android requests in my inbox to reply to right now.

    • Florian4 years ago

      Sounds like the right call to me too. Haven’t tried the extension yet but opt in would make me more interested in checking it out

    • deephdave
      Top reader of all timeScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      Yeah, it would be great to make those changes in Chrome extension. I have already created an alt account @Deep_reads to test the Readup + Twitter intergration.

    • joshw4 years ago

      i haven’t ever used the Chrome extension before, but in my professional opinion is that you’re making the right call. carry on!