  1. blog.readup.comBill Loundy4/5/203 min
    11 reads13 comments
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    • loundytampa4 years ago

      Love it , take this quarantine time and relax on the beach then, (to quote some other San Fran folks ) “Just keep Truckin ooooonnnn”

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years agoWriter

        Beaches are all closed. So are the parks. Cops will kick you out of any public space where you're just hanging out. I'm trying to do a long bike ride first thing every morning (before/as the sun comes up) and an afternoon jog. Computer off before sunset (so, right now!) and meditation before bed to unwind.

        Before I heavily edited this it was just a lot of weird crazy talk about how I'm going stir crazy, lol. For some reason, that felt like something the entire Readup community might want to know. Then I got my senses back.

        lol, exactly this: “Just keep Truckin ooooonnnn”

        • thorgalle
          Top reader this weekReading streakScribe
          4 years ago


          Stefan Zweig would have applauded you:

          [...] Most writers cannot bring themselves to leave anything out, and having fallen rather in love with their subject hope to display a greater breadth and depth of knowledge than they really possess in every well-turned line, whereas my own ambition is always to know more than shows on the outside. Later, at the proof stages, I then repeat this process of intensifying and thus enhancing the dramatic effect once, twice or three times. In the end I find myself enjoying a kind of hunt for another sentence, or just a word, which can be cut without affecting my precise meaning and at the same time might speed up the tempo. I really get my greatest satisfaction in my work from leaving things out. I remember that once, when I rose from my desk feeling pleased with what I had done, my wife said I seemed to be in a cheerful mood today. “Yes,” I replied proudly, “I’ve managed to cut a whole paragraph and make the action move faster.” [...]

          — from The World of Yesterday, 1943

          • bill
            Top reader of all time
            4 years agoWriter

            Brilliant! Love it.

            • thorgalle
              Top reader this weekReading streakScribe
              4 years ago

              Ironically he wrote at least a page on how he likes to cut things down to their essence 😂 essence is a vague thing.

    • jbuchana4 years ago

      Like civilization itself, we’ll get through it. But the worst isn’t over and we need to stay strong.

      You have all of us readers thanking you both and wishing you well.

      We need technology that helps us to slow down enough to digest complex information.

      Exactly. Something I thought reading the paragraph above was that one of the most important things I've learned in life has been how to digest and make sense of a lot of information (some of it conflicting). Reading carefully and, dare I say it (because the term seems overused) mindfully. Readup is a great platform for this, and we all thank you and Jeff.

      Although we seem diverse I have not noticed any hostile comments.

      That is so true!

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years agoWriter

        Omgosh - now my heart is just totally exploding. Thank you so much!! These are such kind words!! We're all in this together. ✌️

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years agoWriter

      From Readup with love 💌

      Happy Sunday, everybody. Onward!

      • sjwoo4 years ago

        To quote from the much more pleasant Obama era...HOPE! We dearly need some right now, and it's great to see Readup providing it. Onward indeed.

        • bill
          Top reader of all time
          4 years agoWriter

          WOO!!! Thanks sjwoo!!

    • thorgalle
      Top reader this weekReading streakScribe
      4 years ago

      Awesome. All these points are SO true. Yes, we need Readup. Keep the energy high & adapt. You'll come out stronger!

    • Florian4 years ago

      I second the comment you quoted, Bill! I hope you’re okay. Hang in there.

    • deephdave
      Top reader of all timeScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      Read, Write, Repeat!

      At this point, it seems crystal clear why the world needs Readup: We need technology that helps us to slow down enough to digest complex information. We need formats that aren’t designed to distract us. We need stronger signals and less noise. And we need to believe that we can use the web to get reliable, accurate information.