  1. billloundy.comBill Loundy6/11/1910 min
    20 reads6 comments
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years agoWriter

      Cloudy Saturday morning in Kansas City, I’m rereading some blog posts that I wrote a few months ago. It’s DEFINITELY time to start blogging again!

      This trip across the country is definitely changing me, again and again.

    • turtlebubble
      Reading streak
      4 years ago

      The fact that this is such an entertaining and effortless read really drives the point home and makes the whole argument so much more compelling. Thank you for this!

      I do wonder though.. is Readup important for those without a screen time problem? I think of it more as an antidote for those of us who already have our phones in our hands multiple hours a day to consume something more thoughtful and actual than the mindless social media and clickbait we’re used to. Unless the idea is to turn people on to reading online who have otherwise been turned off by all the aforementioned bullshit. But then are you just gatewaying people into the screen? Or is it about showing people how beautiful the internet can be in accessing literature and community when used with restraint? Maybe I’m answering my own questions here..

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years agoWriter

        Great questions.

        I def want to avoid giving the impression that Readup is only for people with screen time problems. The current target audience, exactly as you suggested, is people with iPhones and/or Chrome who are online pretty regularly throughout the day and want to "up" their game a bit. Your word choice is legit perfect: it's about being "more thoughtful" and less "mindless."

        In the yoga world, some people show up to get healthy and then end up hanging around because they eventually just enjoy it. Alternatively, some people try it out for fun but then get hooked on the bigger picture: a healthy lifestyle. Either way works. Hopefully Readup can have the same swinging door between "fun" and "wholesome."

        And, in the long-term, shouldn't everyone be able to enjoy pure, distraction-free reading on any device, any time, any place? (Also, won't people pay for that?) I think that eventually we'll look back on these dark times as the days when reading was filled with harmful additives. (And all for free, so who are we to complain?) Readup is the internet, but certified organic. Better taste, better health, better life.

    • Jim4 years ago

      That's insightful.... deep and revealing.... but..... Don't forget to call your father on Father's Day.
      Over tip diner waitresses.
      Keep a flashlight handy.
      Everything else will work out.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      I think it’s a crucial part of your journey to articulate the “why” of your crusade ( SUCH an apt word!). It’s important because clarity of purpose will give you more energy because you will have internalized the feeling aspect of your quest - “to save complexity, nuance, abstraction, critical thinking.” Damn, I have goose bumps just writing these words! They are powerful, meaningful - fuel for the crusader! Keep them close where you can see them. Repeat them often. Most importantly - FEEL them. REALLY great job sharing your story Bill. It’s inspiring! Bravo!

    • joanne4 years ago

      Love this you are a creative, conscious and beautiful writer. Keep it up and stay warm.