  1. bellingcat7/20/2025 min
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    • PaulB3 years ago

      What is happening in PDX is Exhibit A of the pathology that infects police culture in America. I used to say that not all police officers are fascists, but if you happen to be one, police work is likely to be an attractive career option. Now, having watched dozens of videos of unprovoked violence by police in Minneapolis, NYC and now PDX, I have come to believe that even the non-fascists who join the police force become indoctrinated into a fascist culture. If you think I am exaggerating, there is ample video and photographic evidence on Evans’ Twitter feed, @IwriteOK.

      • SEnkey3 years ago

        It certainly is alarming. I think it is more that from day one of training and every day they go to work they are told that they are in danger, under threat, and the only thing separating civilization from chaos....and then they act accordingly. They act like people under threat in real danger, they lash out and leverage their monopoly on violence in petty ways - while often not really knowing the laws they are enforcing. This is why I don't think more training is the answer, they need different training.

    • SEnkey3 years ago

      Well worth the read. A full break down of the protests, riots, and responses in Portland.

      • sjwoo3 years ago

        Thank you for sharing this -- I've been woefully ignorant of what's been going on.

        How the hell do we resolve this? Seems like a leader from the protest movement and the mayor of Portland need to sit down and figure something out? How awful. I've only been to this city a couple of times, but I dearly love it: Powell's, Blue Star doughnuts, food's all just a memory now.