  1. Believer Magazine9/1/1016 min
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    Believer Magazine
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    • Alexa3 years ago

      Amazing, I think they tried to pivot Hollister to fast fashion as the exclusive vibe of A&F started to tarnish in the younger, call-out generations.

      This was endlessly amusing for me. When I first graduated college I spent one last summer on beach patrol before moving to Scottsdale and running a flagship A&F and Hollister. It was deafening, smelly, and so wrong with the "hire only attractive people for the front, homely hard workers in the back" rules. But hey, it was 2009 and jobs that didn't destroy your soul were scarce.

      The rules for making it a maze and crazy lighting and the volume, all too true. It used to drive us crazy too. Imagine listening to their 12-track Christmas playlist on very loud loop for 8 hour shifts with no reprieve. Maddening for those who worked there, but a fantasy land for the shoppers...until it wasnt.

      • SEnkey3 years ago

        Alexa when will we start seeing your articles posted here? I keep seeing these snippets of story following great finds and I feel like we are missing a great story teller!

        • Alexa3 years ago

          I feel like we have to ask Bill that because it's peculiar for me to read my own blog to post them to Readup haha. I also mostly write about the creative process but heyyy maybe that's a case for digging deeper into the rest of my weird past

          • bill
            Top reader of all time
            3 years ago

            Oh boy. This is exciting. Writer pages coming soon! Hang tight peeps!

            • Alexa3 years ago

              ooh la la! Looking forward to hearing more about this

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        3 years ago


    • jackdille3 years ago

      I love The Exploratorium in SF and am bummed I didn’t get to visit the Tactile Dome! I enjoyed this as well for its reflection on the intrinsically hygienic sexuality of malls, which I never realized in my visits there but thinking about it now they always feel weird and overproduced to me. I did not spend my time there as a high schooler, or really at any time in my life, but I know the kids who did seemed cooler than me somehow.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        3 years ago

        I'd also like to check out the Tactile Dome. (That would be a great title for a short story.)

        I craved the Hollister look hard in my early teens, which is embarrassing to think about now. But also, I dreamed of California, so I hit the demographic perfectly. In hindsight, it seems so obviously contrived. "Buy these clothes so you can live a cooler life than the one you have." I think kids these days are much smarter than that. They're better able to see that everything, everywhere is fake.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago

      This is from 2010. It’s on the topic of Hollister, the clothing company, which I’m pretty sure is no longer a thing. Hilarious and smart.