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    • bartadamley3 years ago

      There may be an initial period where a work addict is more productive than someone who isn’t addicted to work, but it will get to a point when they are no longer productive and their health and relationships are affected. It could be after one year, or it could be after five. But if you don’t do anything about it, you could end up having a heart attack.

      One realizes the sheer importance of the little things and how this is what helps us maintain semblance of the world around us, when compared to being 'always-on' .

      She also recommends creating a ‘not-to-do list’ to avoid overscheduling, and giving the brain essential opportunities for renewal to boost its performance.

      I love this idea of a not-to-do-list!

    • Ruchita_Ganurkar3 years ago

      “Take five minutes at least five times a day to completely stop. Turn off your technology and go outside,” Well-grounded, even our progress matter to others & to us we should know when to STOP & START. Being addicted to productivity is not the only way. Brain can become addicted to productivity just as it can to more familiar sources of addiction, such as drugs, gambling, eating, or shopping. How do people think? “I told myself that I wouldn’t have to work as hard once I was successful and that I’d be happy. But I hadn't defined what success was and life was just a constant race.”