  1. AV Singer Author3/31/213 min
    3 reads1 comment
    AV Singer Author
    3 reads
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    • DellwoodBarker3 years ago

      Fuuuuuuuuck, this is Epic!


      Undeniably a re-visit.

      Moist eyes during the finale.


      1. Update (4/17/2021):
      2. Update (4/17/2021):

        Nestled in my jewelry case.

        Is a ring, the middle of three,

        Not an everyday, mundane,

        Get-your-hands-dirty ring,

        It is loud,

        An in-your-face statement.

        Like you.

        Is it right to consider

        This seal of connection?

        Would one of these other rings work better?

        The first is demure and polite,

        A humble token.

        The other, similar in style

        Flashes timidly.

        You whisper in my ear.

        Choose bold.

        I do.

        Like a hundred stars

        Twinkling in the night,

        This ring reminds me of your

        Audacious, daring, sparkle of fireworks.