  1. AeonEmily Herring7/7/2019 min
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    • Plum3 years ago


    • Ruchita_Ganurkar3 years ago

      Laughter us vital.

      Henri Bergson, a Fresh philosopher of the late 19th century. Mostly focused on laughter.

      Henri Bergson's general observations related to when laughter is most likely to appear and thrive:

      The comic is strictly human. When laughter is directed at non-humans, we may laugh, but only because we have detected some human attitude or expression. Laughter has no greater foe than emotion. Emotional states like pity, melancholy, rage, etc. make it difficult for us to find humour in the things we might otherwise have laughed at. But humour also appears to serve as a coping mechanism in the face of tragedy or misfortune. Laughter seems to require an echo. It is used in the context of social bonding.