  1. The New York Times CompanyANDREW JACOBS7/8/189 min
    10 reads5 comments
    The New York Times Company
    10 reads
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      5 years ago

      Russia further encroaches on US moral high ground.

      • jeff
        5 years ago

        While I suspect that the US position on this topic is motivated primarily by corporate interest, I do agree with the purported principle that the government has no role in telling women what they should or should not feed their children.

        This isn't just an issue of breast-feeding policy. The underlying trend of depraved deference to governmental authority over our health is also why women's reproductive rights are constantly under attack and we have a prison-industrial complex fueled by the war on drugs.

        Shallow articles like this one serve no purpose other than to rally the public into petitioning their overlords to dictate their preferred policy, further cementing the control they wield over our lives. Thanks for sharing it with me.

        PS: Insightful comment. With Russia's stellar track record on human rights I'm sure they care deeply about this issue and are not using it as political fodder in order to get people like you to make statements like that.

    • monstertuck5 years ago

      Sad to see such basic issues as healthcare multilateralism overcome by corporate interests - especially in the case of something so basic. Obviously, pharma companies have an interest in maintaining some protection over their research driven drugs, but a promoting basic practices like breast feeding is stooping to a whole new level. What's next, not promoting hand washing or teeth cleaning?

    • haje5 years ago

      I can't even...

    • joanne5 years ago

      "small matter such as breast feeding" ????? Really, breast feeding decreases infant mortality, makes it less likely to have obese children and adults, best source of food for your infant, the most amazing nurturing connection that has shown to help moms recover from childbirth and have more content babies...the only thing that improves with formula fed babies is the bottom line for Nestles. Unconscionable !!!!!