  1. The New York Times Company5/8/1822 min
    24 reads5 comments
    The New York Times Company
    24 reads
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    • BillEnkey3 years ago

      Is it just me? Articles like this are great in the sense that they say, "we need free speech." Yet, in the end, there's always a limit. I don't want to hear what a racist or bigot has to say; but I don't think they should be restrained from saying it as long as they don't infringe on any individual's agency. Many times we think that by "curbing" the extremes we are doing good; but any restriction of free speech is not good. Words can be powerful; the danger is in the action motivated by the words, not necessarily the words themselves.

    • bartadamley
      3 years ago

      The IDW is a very interesting case in-point to look towards in the midst of an informational crisis aided by traditional media's uncertain goals...

      It makes one consider what media outlets we should consider. Regardless, if you are unfamiliar with the Intellectual Dark Web, here is a good place to start.

      • sjwoo3 years ago

        Thanks for this! I've heard of many of these people but did not realize they belong to a clique/movement. With the rise of PC culture, it's no coincidence we'll get more anti-PC groups like this.

    • Florian3 years ago

      This is going to be controversial and I know this discussion is important but sometimes I wonder how much all of this actually matters

    • jeff
      3 years ago

      I get the appeal of the I.D.W. I share the belief that our institutional gatekeepers need to crack the gates open much more. I don’t, however, want to live in a culture where there are no gatekeepers at all.

      I don't think anyone is arguing for the abolition of gatekeepers. Even a lone wolf podcast host is still a gatekeeper to their own show. It's a spectrum and there will always be a place for institutional gatekeepers. The I.D.W. is just an important counterbalance that can now reach a much wider audience thanks to the internet.