  1. @entotto
    • entottoscouted3 years ago
      David Perell1 min
      David Perell

      Useful practice for creative endeavours not limited to writing, I think.

      [..] write about three things: where they’re stuck, what they plan to achieve next time, and what they were thinking about when they stopped writing. [..] As a writer, your per-minute productivity hinges on how fast you can ascend to the Skyway of Satisfaction. As simple as it is, capturing the view from the top is a fast-pass through the Mountain of Agony and onto the Skyway of Satisfaction the next time you write.

    • entottoscouted3 years ago
      The New YorkerJohn Hersey8/24/46161 min
      The New Yorker
    • entottoscouted3 years ago
      superbodyfuel.com9 min
    • entottoscouted3 years ago
      David Perell11 min
      David Perell

      How do you choose what to read?

      1. Update (12/22/2020):

        Readup's Discover page could have a filter for article age.