  1. @anglofox
    • anglofoxcommented4 years ago
      The New York Times CompanyN. R. KLE1NFIELD10/30/7716 min
      The New York Times Company

      Worth reading to see how far we’ve come - if only there was some sort of Moore’s law for sexism in the industry

    • anglofoxcommented4 years ago
      blog.readup.com5/24/198 min

      Perhaps if you want people to comment as freely as they speak, the comment board has to be as impermanent as a conversation. Perhaps you could set your messages to delete after a certain amount of time, or auto-configure a disclaimer / acknowledgement for comments that no longer feel like you, or the ability to comment privately (to your online Readup journal, or just a few friends), or switch a comment from public to private when you feel like it, and back again.

      I think the other challenge is that the desire to read is like an immediate need to consume new information, but commenting involves digesting what you read - which can take time and reflection - and then returning to the place where you read the article to actually type up your thoughts.

      Finally, I feel like lurkers is a bad word to describe someone who reads and enjoys Readup, but finds themselves “listening more than they speak”. Making a new word for those members of your community could help remove some sort of creepy stigma attached to that totally normal behavior. If someone comments on an article I read, perhaps I could get a notification, which might encourage me to join the conversation.