  1. @Sophie
    • Sophiecommented3 years ago

      Wow, what an awful thought piece. It appears to me that the author is upset that as society becomes more progressive she has to acknowledge her own privilege and take responsibility for her actions and words, so would rather blame “political correctness” and suggest that marginalised and oppressed groups are too easily offended.

      Words that someone used ten years ago, that didn’t mean anything loaded at the time, are now being declared “offensive”

      Hint: these words were always offensive, you just weren’t listening to the groups that they were offending.

      Or Nazi Germany, which everyone seems to forget happened slowly and creepingly among normal citizens who turned on each other over the supposed moral high ground. Why people think this can’t happen in the US, I don’t know. But it’s happening, and I see it. Socialism kills people.

      I can’t believe I’m having to say this, but Nazism is not socialism 🤦‍♀️ I actually think the author is well aware of this fact but is deliberately spreading this misinformation to try and discredit the American political left. Absolutely disgusting.

      Justice for George Floyd is a paramount goal for US society. I understood the protests. But despite his killer getting fired and arrested, the protests became more violent, more destructive, and more divisive.

      The author clearly does not understand the protests if she thinks they were protesting the murder of one innocent black man. It is so much bigger than that. This is about historic, institutional racism that the author seems blissfully unaware of. If it doesn’t affect you it doesn’t exist, right? 🤦‍♀️

      BLM may have started as a movement to get justice for George Floyd’s killers

      A quick google search tells me BLM was founded in 2013. I wonder how much effort the author has put into researching her other claims?

      There are many more points I disagree with - but honestly it’s not worth my time 🤷‍♀️ If you’re angry and upset that your thoughtless behaviour and choice of words is finally getting called what it is: racist, maybe take a couple of minutes to imagine what it’s like to actually experience racism.

    • Sophiescouted3 years ago